
This year is going to be the 21st times that somebody says 'Happy Birthday' to me. It's my 21st birthday. At first i don't expect any particular surprises from anyone cause yeah, it's been 21st times so it's getting numb lately. In the contrary, since the moment i woke up that morning, i knew that this year birthday is going to be awesome! I can tell from the air. One of my best friend says, "congratulation for finally be legal to do anything (literally)!" Haha.. I was choked by laugh.

photo edit by @RahardianPR Thanks bro!
Saturday, July 6th, past midnight, someone send me a Happy Birthday greeting, It was Sherri. At that time i have only received one twitter mention but i am already so happy. Then not for long, my long lost brother (LOL), Ardi, send me a Happy Birthday message and i was overwhelm with joy. I was sleep with smile that night. In the morning, my parent says, "Happy Birthday!!" then my sister called from Jakarta, she says, "Happy Birthday lil' brother. Have a long, happy life, keep walking on your success roads". Then Dhani said it from Holand, Helmi from Sumatra i guess, Faris from Yogyakarta, Valen from Depok, Ira from Malang, my friends on radio and some of my other friends. From the morning i receive many message from facebook, twitter, and short messages. You know what? I don't even need to wait till the end of the day to feel this happy.
One thing that i feel that day is enormous grateful feeling to God and be loved. I cheers to that. Bahkan hari itu gue Cuma muterin satu lagu and continously repeated, it's 'To Be Loved' by Michael Buble. Gak tau lagu itu bener-bener pas untuk hari spesial itu. Satu hal lagi yang bikin hari itu spesial adalah ketika ada salah satu mi-list (fans radio) ketika dia telepon di jam siaran gue dan suddenly he literally sang a Happy Birthday song : ON AIR!! Oh my god that's precious. Gue gak nyangka aja bakal diucapin selamat ulang tahun on air di radio. God, that's really made my day.

Ketika ditanya gue mau hadiah apa kira-kira di tahun ini, gue berani jawab gak pengen apa apa. Not that i don't want things, itu pun kalau dipaksa gue jawab : sebuah camcorder/handycam. It's simply because now i know that things doesn't buy you real happiness. Dulu mungkin gue bakal ngerasa gitu, tapi makin kesini makin gak seperti itu ternyata. Karena gue pikir ketika lu punya pekerjaan, punya gaji, lu bisa punya dan beli apa yang lu mau cepet atau lambat. I think i wanna have something special too this year. Kalau gue bisa minta, gue mau dapet waktu. Gue mau punya waktu yang lebih panjang, lebih lama dengan orang-orang terdekat gue. Orangtua, kakak, sahabat, dan everyone. Gue Cuma mau kesempatan yang bisa terjamin bahwa gue bakal bisa mengalami bahagia bersama orang-orang itu. that's it. I just wanna have time to be happy. Seperti kata Pharell di lagunya, "Because i am happy, clap along if you know what happiness is to you.."

Last but not least, di umur yang sekarang gue gak berhenti berharap untuk jadi pribadi yang lebih baik, lebih santun, lebih sabar, lebih religius than ever, lebih bijak, dan bisa lebih bermanfaat bagi siapa pun (plus lebih ngetop tentunya. LOL!). Hope that i can be a better person since day one of 21st. for the '21st' all over the world, Cheers! :)
